Custom Items
All custom item related options & configurations
Allows you to set a identifier for the Custom Item.
This option is only required when created in items folder
Allows you to copy another Custom Item's properties by using it's namespacedkey.
For example: You can reference a Custom Item from Mortis Minion by using mortisminion:example_id
Allows you to set the material for the Custom Item.
Supported values:
Player Head (
)Texture Head (
)Heads Database (
)ItemsAdder (
)Water Bottle (
)Item in main hand (
)Item in offhand (
)Item on Head (
)Item on Chest (
)Item on Legs
)Item on Feet (
Items relating to Player's inventory may only be used in Menu Items
Allows you to set the amount for the Custom Item.
Allows you to set the durability of the Custom Item.
Allows you to set the display name for the Custom Item.
You can use color codes and hex codes in this option
Allows you to set the lore for the Custom Item.
You can use color codes and hex codes in this option
Allows you to add enchantments to the Custom Item.
Click here to view the list of enchantments
Allows you to add item flags to the Custom Item.
Click here to view the list of item flags
Allows you to set the Custom Item to never break.
Allows you to set the glow for the Custom Item.
Custom Model Data
Allows you to set the custom model data for the Custom Item.
Hide Attributes
Allows you to set the custom model data for the Custom Item.
Hide Effects
Allows you to hide the potion effects from the Custom Item.
Hide Enchants
Allows you to hide the enchantments from the Custom Item.
Hide Unbreakable
Allows you to hide the unbreakable tag from the Custom Item.
Potion Effects
Allows you to add potion effects to the Custom Item.
Click here to view the list of potion effect types
This option is only available when the material is potion, splash_potion, lingering_potion tipped_arrow
Block Data
Allows you to set the block data for the Custom Item.
This option is only available when the material is a block
Entity Type
Allows you to set the entity type of the Custom Item.
This option is only available when the material is spawner
Allows you to set the color of the Custom Item.
This option is only available when the material is leather armor, potion, map, firework
Banner Patterns
Allows you to add banner patterns to the Custom Item.
Click here to view the list of dye colors
Click here to view the list of pattern types
This option is only available when the material is banner
Allows you to set the axolotl variant for the Custom Item.
Click here to view the list of axolotl variants
This option is only available when the material is axolotl_bucket
Armor Trim
Allows you to set the armor trim of the Custom Item.
Click here to view the list of trim materials
Click here to view the list of trim patterns
This option is only available when the material is a armor
Persistent Data
Allows you to add persistent data to the Custom Item
Persistent Strings
Allows you to add persistent as a list of string to the Custom Item
The value can be any String
Persistent Integers
Allows you to add persistent as a list of integer to the Custom Item
The value can be any whole number from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Persistent Booleans
Allows you to add persistent as a list of boolean to the Custom Item
The value can either be true or false
Persistent Doubles
Allows you to add persistent as a list of double to the Custom Item
The value can be any fractional number. Can store 15 decimal digits
Persistent Longs
Allows you to add persistent as a list of long to the Custom Item
The value can be any whole number from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Persistent Floats
Allows you to add persistent as a list of float to the Custom Item
The value can be any fractional number. Can store 6 to 7 decimal digits
Persistent Shorts
Allows you to add persistent data as a list of short to the Custom Item
The value can be any whole number from -32,768 to 32,767
Persistent Bytes
Allows you to add persistent data as a list of byte to the Custom Item
The value can be any whole number from -128 to 127
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